Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

honey face mask ingredients

honey face mask ingredients Honey has many benefits and proven to be effective. Beauty products are now widely circulated using honey as a main ingredient. Among them is as skin care, hair and face.

Since ancient times honey is known as a food that has a good efficacy for health and beauty. With berkembanganya healthcare industry, such as pharmaceuticals, food, beverage, and cosmetic products. Now we can consume honey in various forms.

Here is the Benefits of Honey for health and protect your skin from toxins that accumulate on your skin:

Skin Care Dead
Honey you can use to treat dry skin and regenerate skin cells die. Eczema skin care routine can exit by using the honey.

How to make:
     Mix one tablespoon of honey and a little milk powder in the palm of the hand. Apply on the face to clean all the dirt and make-up, and then rinse with warm water.

Such offerings are Superampuh.com article about Benefits of Honey for Face.

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